Την τελευταία δεκαετία τo προσωπικό του Εργαστηρίου έχει δημοσιεύσει περισσότερες από 150 εργασίες σε αναγνωρισμένα διεθνή και ελληνικά επιστημονικά περιοδικά και συνέδρια, ενώ έχει εκδώσει 4 βιβλία στην ελληνική και 3 στην αγγλική γλώσσα:

  • Kalovoulos, J.M.; Misopolinos, N.D.; Silleos, N.G. 1979. Soil Conditioners and Fertilizers from Coals. 1. Soil Conditioning and Fertilizing of Φ-100. Soils and Fertilizers 1979, 6772. Vol. 42 No 11 (abstract).
  • Μιsopolinos N. 1981. A new method for determination of exchangeable Ca and Mg in presence of carbonates. Application of the proposed method and study of the Ca/Mg rates in soil of the Galatista territory (Chalkidiki province). Doct. Thesis, Sci. Annals of the School of Agriculture KA' 3. 1981.
  • Misopolinos N.D. 1984. Determination of CEC and Exchangeable Ca and Mg in nonsaline calcareous soils. J. of Soil Sci. 35:93-98.
  • Misopolinos N.D. and J.M. Kalovoulos, 1984. Effect of sand shape on evaporation from soil surface. Plant and Soil. 80:151-154.
  • Misopolinos N. 1985. A new concept for reclaiming sodic soils with high-salt water. Soil Sci. 140:69-74.
  • Misopolinos N.D. and Silleos N.G. 1986. Study of soil solution by microcomputers. Agricultural Research 10:199-221.
  • Misopolinos N.D. 1988. Reclamation of a fine clayey montmorillonitic soil with high-salt water under laboratory conditions. Z. Pflanzenernahr. Bodenkd., 150, 395-399.
  • Misopolinos N.D., N.G. Silleos and K.P. Prodromou 1988.The influence of exchangeable Mg on certain physical soil parameters in a number of Mg-affected soils.  CATENA. 15.
  • Misopolinos N. and Ambas A. 1989. A computer program for calculating parameters necessary for reclaiming sodic soils using high-salt-water. Soil Technology 2:242-252.
  • Misopolinos N. 1990. A new model for reclamation of sodic soils.εδαφών. 3th Hellenic Conference on Soil Science, Athens.
  • Misopolinos N., Zalidis G. and Valmis S. 1995. Soil Degradation of Greek Soils.
  • Zalidis G., Misopolinos N., Takavakoglou V., Stamatiadis, St. 2002. The role of the soil in restoring wetland functions. In Restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands. Zalidis G., T.Crisman and P. Gerakis eds. Hell. Min. of   Environment & Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre.
  • Zalidis G., T.L.Crisman, V. Takavakoglou, T. Alexandridis, and N. Tsotsolis. 2006. A management plan for Lake Koronia, Greece leading to sustainable agriculture and ecosystem conservation. Proceedings of the International Conference for Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII (PROTECTION2006), 3 – 7 July 2006, Chania, Greece.
  • Zalidis G., V. Takavakoglou, E. Lazaridou, G. Kanellopoulos. 2005. Wetlands and Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) implementation in Greece: Rising problems and future considerations. IASME TRANSACTIONS, vol. 2, no. 6, 1065-1070. 
  • Zalidis, G.C., V. Takavakoglou, A. Panoras, G. Bilas, and Sotiria Katsavouni. 2004. Re-establishing a sustainable wetland at former Lake Karla, Greece, using Ramsar restoration guidelines. Environmental Management, vol. 34, no 6, 875-886.
  • Zalidis, G.C., Maria A. Tsiafouli, V. Takavakoglou, G. Bilas, and N. Misopolinos. 2004. Selecting agri-environmental indicators to facilitate monitoring and assessment of EU agri-environmental measures effectiveness. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 70, 315–321.
  • Zalidis, G.C., S. Stamatiadis, V. Takavakoglou, K. Eskridge, and N. Misopolinos. 2002. Impacts of agricultural practices on soil and water quality in the Mediterranean region and proposed assessment methodology. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment, vol. 88, no 2, 137-146. 
  • Zalidis G.C. and V. Takavakoglou. 2001. Identification of potential wetland restoration projects. Agenda item 18 Restoration – STRP 10 Information paper. 10th Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) of RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands, 27-29 June 2001, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Zalidis G., V. Takavakoglou, and A. Gerakis. 1999. Wetland Rehabilitation in the Mediterranean Basin. pp. 55-68. In: Bill Streever (ed.) “An International Perspective on Wetland Rehabilitation”. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  • Zalidis, G.C., A. Gerakis, N. Misopolinos, A. Apostolakis and K. Prodromou. 1999. The impact of soil and water resources management on salt accumulation in Greece. 1st Trans-national Meeting on "Soil salinity as a limiting factor for agricultural productivity in the Mediterranean basin", in CNR Irrigation Institute in Naples, Italy 24-25 March 1997, pp. 87-95.
  • Zalidis, G.C., N. Barbayiannis, and Theodora Matsi. 1999. Forms and distribution of heavy metals in soils of Axios delta of Northern Greece. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30: 817-827.
  • Zalidis, G.C., and A. Gerakis. 1999. Evaluating the sustainability of watershed resources management through wetland functional analysis. Environmental Management 24:193-207.

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  Soil Map of Greece


Εδαφολογικός Χάρτης της Ελλάδας


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Εδαφολογικός Χάρτης της Περιφέρειας Α.ΜΑ.Θ.

Κλίμακα 1:200.000

 Soil Map of East Macedonia and Thrace Region, Greece